Who can this Portland CPA firm help?

Local small businesses - contractors, designers, wholesalers, manufacturing, construction, artists, writers, photographers, internet stores, web & software developers, medical professionals, educators, architects, attorneys, 1-person LLC's, and sole proprietorships. Please see my INDUSTRIES webpage...

Individuals - ONLY local small business owners, with their complex accounting & taxes. I just don't keep staff to prepare non-business taxes (with just W-2's & itemized or rentals).

Why do you need a Portland CPA?

Everyone simply cannot do everything well! A small business owner knows their business inside & out, but may not be aware of critical accounting & tax issues that can disrupt your local business. An owner should surround themselves with a "management team", who can advise them in areas of accounting & tax (my Portland CPA firm), legal (from a local attorney, as CPA's cannot provide legal advice), insurance, estate & financial planning.

My Portland CPA firm can help with your small business accounting & income tax issues! Tax preparation, planning, financial statements, tax projections, Quickbooks help (for tax clients only), everything from complete monthly bookkeeping (you just write checks & make deposits), to merely keeping the owner informed about tax issues. 

If you are doing ANY business within the city, take a look... you probably are required to have a license!


If you think it is scary to see the official IRS site... Then don't click here. But - IT IS a great site for IRS tax forms, publications & great tax information

Click here to go to the IRS website

Here's information from the Oregon Department of Revenue. Good for Oregon tax publications, forms, etc...

Click here: to go to Oregon Department of Revenue website

What do my clients say?

  • "personable"
  • "quick to answer" 
  • "very organized" 
  • "you take a burden off of me"
  • "You're great!"
  • "no charge for quick answers"
  • "taught us just what to do"
  • "readily available, responsive, and goes the extra mile"
  • "I can't imagine anyone else doing my taxes!"

(to see actual feedback, please see the "industries" page)